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Varzob HPP-2

Varzob HPP-2

In days of the Great Patriotic War in Dushanbe building Varzob HPP-2 was developed by the established capacity of 14,76 thousand in kW., start-up of which first hydrounit has taken place on March, 29th, 1949 the Construction of this power station which have begun in the dif­ficult military condi­tions, became originally national building where shots for the future large buildings of the country were forged.

Director of Cascade Varzob HPP - Tabarov Abdulahad Gurezovich

Tel .: (+ 992-372) 224-55-92; 224-82-87 

Year:  1949
Aggregates:  2х7200 kW
Total installed capacity:  14400 kW

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