Company partners
Projects carried out in cooperation with international companies
1. Asian Development Bank, Project “Reconstruction of the open gas-insulated switchgear 500 kV Nurek HPP”, Project “Regional power lines”, Project “Reconstruction of the Sarband hydropower plant of 240 MW capacity”, Project “Wholesale Metering and Transmission Reinforsement”.
Consultant: Fichtner (Germany) (project evaluation), “SOFRECO” (France) (project evaluation).
Contractor: Alstom Grid (Germany) (design, manufacturing equipment, performance of electrical work), Calpataru-Joity Consorcium (India) (design, manufacturing equipment, performance of electrical work), “TADES”, “Integral”, “Hydroenergostroy” (performance of electrical work), “Alstom - Genser” (Turkey) (design, manufacturing equipment, performance of electrical work).
2. Islamic Development Bank, Project “Construction of small HPP in rural area of Republic of Tajikistan”.
Contractor: LLC “Diamand and Co” (performance of electrical work), GUE “Vakshsokhmon” (performance of electrical work).
3. KfW (Germany), “Replacement of the open gas-insulated switchgear 220 kV Nurek HPP”
Consultant: Fichtner (Germany) (project evaluation).
4. Eksim-bank (China), Project “Construction of second phase of Dushanbe CHP-2 capacity of 2x150 MW”, Project “Reconstruction of Regar-500 substation”.
Contractor: JSC “TBEA” (China) (design, manufacturing equipment, performance of electrical work).
5. Swiss Government (SECO), Project “Reduction of energy losses”.
Consultants: LLC “Chans” (Installation 1C), LLC “Ormon” (delivery, assembly, installation of office equipment and other equipment), “BDO Consulting” (Tajikistan) cooperation with LLC “Premier Consulting” (valuation of fixed assets of the OJSC “Barki Tojik”), “Grant Tornton” (Armenia) cooperation with “Grant Tornton” (Tajikistan) (audit).
Contractor: “Zhejiang Chint Meter and Instrument Co, Ltd”( manufacturing equipment), CJC “Tajikhydroelectromontage” (performance of electrical work), LLC “Sokhtmony Barki Tojik - 2014” (performance of electrical work), “KM JSC Orien International” (performance of electrical work), LLC “Konmarks” (performance of electrical work), LLC “Buned Sifat” (performance of electrical work).
6. European Reconstruction and Development Bank, EU and Investment Bank, Project “Reduction of energy losses in Sugd region”.
Contractor: CJC “Tajikhydroelectromontage” (performance of electrical work), ZTE Corporation (billing) in consortium with Hexing Electrical Co, Ltd (manufacturing equipment).
List of international partners
1. Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Energy Council. Russian Federation
2. State Company “Uzbekenergo”, Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. JSC “KEGOC”, Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. OJSC “NPG Kyrgyzstan”, JSC “Electrical stations”, Republic of Kyrgyzstan
5. DA Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), National Electric company, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
6. Coordinating Electric Power Council of Central Asia.