Sangtuda HPP-1
Sangtuda HPP-1
It is the fifth step of Vakhsh cascade. The Khatlon region of Republic of Tajikistan has very favorable conditions for HPP construction. It is supplied with approach roads of the republic significance, which connect the construction site with Dushanbe, Vakhdat, Nurek, where is situated the facilities of constructing organizations, as well as Kurgan-Tyube and Dangara. Construction of this HPP was started during USSR time in 1986 after the Baipaza HPP have been put into operation. The designed capacity of HPP is 670 MW; there are four generators with 167.5 MW capacity each. Sangtuda-1 HPP’s average annual electric-power generation is 2733 million kW/h.
All the waterworks facility structures are situated in the wide valley of Vakhsh river. Borrows of construction materials are very close to the structures. Sangtuda HPP - 1 operates on skip from Nurek reservoir (transit though Baipaza HPP) and allows to make daily regulation of water outlet. The power transmission of Sangtuda HPP is foreseen by 220 and 500 kV lines.
January 20, 2008 1st generator, July 1, 2008 2nd generator, November 5, 2008 3rd generator and 31 July, 2009 4th generator of HPP were put into operation.
Shares of power include: Tajikistan - 25%, Russia - 75%
Director - Goziev Nurullo Fathulloevich
tel.: (+ 992) 918-40-50-07
Year: 2008
Aggregates: 4х167.5 MW
Total installed capacity: 670 MW