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Consulting Services for: English Language Courses in the frame of

Nurek Hydropower Rehabilitation Project

Republic of Tajikistan

OJSC “Barqi Tojik” / Nurek Hydropower Rehabilitation Project Phase 1

Consulting Services / Contract reference: TJ NHPP CS 25


OJSC “Barqi Tojik” (hereinafter the “Client”), an Open Joint Stock Company owned by the state, is a vertically integrated power utility operating under the direct control of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. The company is responsible for the generation, of heat and electricity in the Republic of Tajikistan as well the export of the electricity to the abroad. In its structure OJSC “Barqi Tojik” has a Project Realization Group “Energy Loss Reduction” (PRG) which implements the investment projects, where the OJSC “Barqi Tojik” represents an Implementing Entity. PRG has around 60 staff members specializing in different fields, who implement projects, which are financed by the World Band, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, Eurasian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and other IFI’s.

English Language Courses

The objective of this educational assignment is to conduct training courses with an aim to enhance English Language skills of the Client staff.

Scope of Services

The English language courses will be offered to the currently engaged staff as well as those that will join the Client in the future and whose duties are associated with Projects implementation. Following this the training courses will be delivered at two locations: OJSC “Barqi Tojik” (64, Ismoili Somoni Ave., Dushanbe) and Nurek HPP (Nurek city). The courses will involve 35 staff members, which will be divided to the minimum 2 groups based on their current English proficiency level. The first group will benefit from a basic English language course tailored to their level and needs while the second group will attend targeted lessons in professional English with strong emphasis on writing and presentation skills. The expected number of trainees is maximum 8 persons per each group, which shall form 4 classes. It is expected that the prior to the courses selected consultant will conduct the respective examination.

The detailed ToR can be found at the following website: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IK7YSRE08dkRCPIGi7xVmPeC_bllPQkK?usp=sharing

OJSC “Barqi Tojik” hereby invites eligible qualified education companies to express their interest in participating and submit their applications under this educational assignment.

Eligible Interested applicants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to participate in providing the services above (brochures, description of similar assignments, description of experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills amongst staff).

Education company will be selected in accordance with the Consultant’s qualifications-based selection. (CQS) procedures set out in the Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (5th edition, September 2023) (“Procurement Regulations”), which can be found at the following website: https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/6c0602876d68949e80820507d90a14ed-0290012023/original/Procurement-Regulations-September-2023.pdf

Further information can be obtained via e-mail given below.

Applications must be prepared in English and Russian languages and delivered in their soft form to the email address below, or by fax by 17:00 of Dushanbe local time on December 19, 2024

Mr. Farkhod Shukurov

Executive Director

PRG “Energy Loss Reduction”

OJSC “Barqi Tojik”

Fax: (+992-37) 235-87-64

E-mail: elrpbt@gmail.com

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