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Along with HVDC Line from Sangtuda to Nowshera via Afghanistan

Project ID No. P 145054 Date: January 25, 2017

This EOI follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in Development Business No: P145054 of November 11th, 2013 on-line and Bank’s External website.

This is EOI the re-invitation for expression of interest following a revision of the initial configuration of the CASA project and corresponding scope of services related to the HVDC convertor stations and HVDC line.

1. The Central Asia-South Asia Electricity Transmission and Trade Project (CASA-1000) aims to facilitate electricity trade between hydropower surplus countries in Central Asia and electricity deficient countries in South Asia by putting in place the commercial and institutional arrangements and the transmission infrastructure required for this trade. Sustained efforts to promote institutional development and socio-economic prosperity in the CASA-1000 countries are a high priority for the World Bank Group. The CASA-1000 countries vary significantly in terms of population numbers, economic size and development trajectories but they have complementary development needs and goals, especially in the energy sector.

2. The project will build a cross-border power trade facility, comprising about 475 km of 500kV HVAC transmission lines to carry power from Kyrgyz Republic to Tajikistan at Khodjant; a 1300 MW HVDC converter in Tajikistan (at Sangtuda) and thereafter about 800 km long ±500kV HVDC transmission link to a 1,300 MW terminal with HVDC converter facilities in Pakistan. The AC to DC convertor station would be designed to help power trade in any direction and would offer significant emergency system support to the national grids of the countries connected through HVDC system.

I. Owner’s Engineer for HVDC Convertor stations and the line


The services of an Owner’s Engineer (the Consultant) are required for the implementation phase of the CASA-1000 Project for the following positions:

1. Two DC Converter Stations:

(i) 1,300 MW Converter Station at Sangtuda in Tajikistan with Ground Electrode and Electrode line;

(ii) 1300 MW Converter Station at Nowshera in Pakistan with Ground Electrode and Electrode line;

2. Line/substation bay:

- In Pakistan

o Two nos 500 kV line bays complete with terminal equipment, protection coupler, HF cable, HF coupler in NTDC 500 kV Nowshera SS.

o 500 kV Bus extension interconnecting the Nowshera Converter Station to adjacent 500 kV NTDC SS.

o 500 kV AC provision for interconnection to 500 kV Switchyard of NTDC. All protection and control equipment (along with cabling) for the interconnection bus will be in the scope of HVDC Converter station.

- In Tajikistan

o One number 500 kV Line bay complete with terminal equipment

o One number ICT bay for terminating 4* 167 MVA ,500/220 kV ICT

o 220 kV switchyard

o Two number 220 kV line bay complete with terminal equipment (One at Sangtuda Converter Station and other at Existing 220 kV Sangtuda SS)

o For the bays (two nos 500 kV and two nos of 220 kV) Coupling device, carrier terminal equipment, protection coupler, HF Cable and HF Coupler for local and remote end to be supplied by contractor. Sangtuda 220 kV and Existing 220 kV Sangtuda SS will have DPLC in place of conventional PLCC with Digital protection coupler and Fibre optic terminal equipment.

3. 800 km DC Transmission Line, with three fourth of the line passing through Afghanistan territory.

The Project Consultant will assist implementing agencies of the project in construction supervision, support for project implementation, audit and TA. Specifically, the Consultant’s support would be needed in the construction supervision of HVDC convertor stations and HVDC line.

Based on above the eligible consultants are invited to indicate (separate EOIs for each consultancy contract) their interest in providing the services described above. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate with other consulting firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications.

The Consultants are invited to focus on the description of their core business and years in business; Specific Experience similar to the assignment(s) described above, their qualifications in the field of the assignment; the technical and managerial organization of their firm; the general qualifications and number of key staff; absence of conflicts of interest and existence of quality system.

The shortlisting criteria are: eligibility of the firms, General experience of construction supervision of Convertor stations & HVDC or HV AC line and substations, experience in similar project (Convertor stations and HVDC or HVAC), availability of ISO or other required certificate and quality assurance systems and period the firm been in business.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans & Grants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011, revised July 2014).

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the IGC – CASA Secretariat (address below) from 09.00 to 16.00 hours between January 26, 2017 and February 16, 2017.

Expressions of interest must be delivered with Russian translation to the CASA-1000 Secretariat at the address below by 6.00 p.m. Almaty time on February 17, 2017.

Secretariat address:

Attn: Oleg Ryaskov

Representative Office ECODIT, LLC (EnergyLinks)

+7 (727) 293-01-82

3rd Floor

20A Kazybek Bi Street

Almaty 050010


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