Request for Expression of Interest
(Company Selection) Consulting Services for:
Initial Resettlement Action Plan for the CASA 1000 Project
Republic of Tajikistan
Open Stock Holding Company "Barqi Tojik"
CASA-1000 MDTF Grant No. TF0A4615
The Central Asia-South Asia Transmission Line Project (CASA-1000) will facilitate the first electricity trade of 1 300 megawatts (MW) of existing summertime hydropower surplus between the two regions, involving the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan in Central Asia and Afghanistan and Pakistan in South Asia. The project is expected to consist of the construction and operation of transmission infrastructure in the four countries, associated technical assistance during implementation, and mechanisms for the sharing of benefits with communities along the transmission corridor which would contribute to alleviating power supply shortages in Pakistan and Afghanistan while enhancing revenues and economic prospects in the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan.
Project Components
Out of the 500 kV line from Datka to Sugd-500 Substattion about 25 km lies in Tajikistan. Between Sugd-500 and Sangtuda the electricity will be transmitted through the Tajik grid, which will, be strengthened with a 500kV single circuit line from Regar Substation to Sangtuda Convertor Station (115 km), as well as 220 kV AC line from Sangtuda Substation to the Sangtuda Convertor Station (around 12 km). It is proposed to build about 610 Towers in total. Additionally a 1 300 MW AC-DC convertor station will be built to transform alternative current (AC) used in the national networks into direct current (DC) for transmission of high voltage and vice versa at Sangtuda. The converter station will measure approximately 400 m x 400 m and will be sited outside city limits in a permanent fenced off facility. It will also require a road or rail access for heavy components such as converter transformers (which can weigh 160 tons or more). For the HVDC line it will be necessary to build an Electrode Line and Ground Electrode (500 m x 500m), which will be located around 30 km away from the converter station. This will require two conductors and may be steel poles/ towers. Around 113 km HVDC line from Sangtuda to the border of Afghanistan. The route generally traverses areas of low population densities through the three regions (Sugd Oblast, Khatlon Oblast and Districts of republican subordination) – overall it is expected to pass near to approximately 25 towns/villages. The major long-term impact may be on some cultivated lands, while during the construction phase temporary disruption could be caused to local communities, e.g. in carrying out farming activities, access to roads etc. From a land category and land use perspective the route traverses mountainous terrain with mostly grass and bush vegetation, steep sided barren land, rivers and cultivated land.
Main objective of the I-RAP is to provide an initial base by which a final Resettlement Action Plan will be prepared. The I-RAP will conduct a census of areas currently identified for project activities, which includes location sites for substations. Once the transmission line routing has been determined, the final RAP will conduct a census for the additional impacted area. The census will identify affected households, and persons, and undertake a socio-economic survey of the potentially affected people, properties and livelihood assets along the proposed transmission line route and project related infrastructures and to determine involuntary resettlement impacts. The consultant’s assessment should include (but not limited to): land acquisition (both permanent and temporary) and physical and economic displacement of people including livelihood resources, access restriction to common /public resources, services, and conduct a census of the affected persons. The consultant should prepare a draft Initial Resettlement Action Plans (I-RAPs) which will serve as a foundation for subsequent RAPs. The I-RAP will need to follow requirements as stated in the World Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement Policy (OP 4.12).
OSHC “Barqi Tojik” now invites eligible consulting companies to indicate their interest in providing the above mentioned services. Interested companies must provide information indicating that they are qualified to carry out the mentioned services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.).
The evaluation criteria are:
· At least 10 years’ experience in conducting resettlement planning works including preparation of RAPs;
· At least two assignments of a similar nature during the last 5 years, preferably with the International Development Agencies;
· Experience in resettlement planning works for projects in the power sector/electricity transmission lines and in particular in Central Asia would be an asset during the tendering process.
· Key professional staff qualifications and competence for the assignment (40%)
Consulting company will be selected in accordance with the Consultant’s Qualifications Selection (CQS) procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011, revised July 2014) (“Consultant Guidelines”).
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraphs 1.9 and 1.11 of the World Bank’s Consultant Guidelines, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest and eligibility. Consultants may associate with other consulting firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. All the members of the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire assignment. The best qualified and experienced firm shall be selected and only this one selected firm shall be asked to submit a combined technical and financial proposal.
Interested companies may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 08:00 to 17:00 of local time from Monday to Friday. Expressions of interest must be delivered electronically to the email below, by 14:00 (Dushanbe local time) September 18, 2017.
Mr. Habibov Ubaidullo
Head of PRG
Energy Loss Reduction
OSHC Barqi Tojik
64, Somoni Street, Room 302,
Dushanbe 734026, Republic of Tajikistan
Fax: (+992-37) 235-87-64