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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
of the subcomponent 1b - construction of a new 110/10 kV Isfara-1 substation with the associated construction of a 10-0.4 kV distribution network for power supply to the projected settlement


1. CSP Project Development Objective. The Project Development Objective is to increase quality of and access to energy, social and economic infrastructure services, and contribute to the strengthening of local governance capacity in communities in the project area.

2. CSP Project Location and Beneficiaries. The project will be implemented in all villages that lie within the CASA-1000 corridor of impact (CoI), defined as 1.5 kilometres from either side of the CASA1000 Transmission Line (TL). The CASA1000 TL extends from Sugdh province in the north bordering the Kyrgyz Republic to Khatlon province in the south. There are 60 villages in the CoI, traversing 24 Jamoats and 14 districts (2 in Sughd Province, 4 in RRS and 8 – in Khatlon region). In addition, the project will support target areas in Isfara district, in Sughd province and the enclaves and border villages near the CASA1000 TL in the Kyrgyz Republic. It is estimated that 130,000 people live within the CoI, and 73,000 in target areas in Isfara. At the institutional level, Barqi Tojik, the Energy Sector PMU (ES PMU), NSIFT, 24 Jamoat Councils/Administrations and over 60 community-based organizations will benefit from the project through capacity building aligned with their institutional responsibilities.

(More detailed information can be found in the file)

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