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Golovnaya 240 MW HPP Rehabilitation Project.


Grant 0376-TAJ: Golovnaya 240 MW HPP Rehabilitation Project. Direct turnkey Lot 1A Contract –Units 3 and 6 was signed between OSHC BarqiTojik and Sinohydro – HydrochinaJV

Lot 1 Contract signed between OSHC Barqi Tojik and Sinohydro – Hydrochina JV on 25 October 2016 and financed by the ADB and the Republic of Tajikistan, provides complete replacement of units 1, 2 and 5, as well as conditions assessment of units 3 and 6 with subsequent refurbishment.

After dismantling of unit 5, the condition of equipment was found to be worse than expected. Since units 3 and 6 have identical structure and age, it is reasonable to expect that their replacement will be more preferable than condition assessment and refurbishment, as envisaged by the Lot 1 Contract.

Therefore, OSHC Barqi Tojik requested the ADB to approve minor change of scope in the project in order to utilize the grant savings, and, subsequently, the ADB approved signing of Lot 1A turnkey Contract directly.

Direct Lot 1A Contract – Units 3 and 6 was signed on 14 June 2018 between the OSHC Barqi Tojik and Sinohydro – Hydrochina JV for a total amount of 24 818 725,36 USD and 978410 TJS.

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