Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids
Specific Procurement Notice
Request for Bids
Employer: OSHC “Barqi Tojik”
Contract title: Plant, Design, Supply, and Installation of Works for the Construction of the 10 kV Medium Voltage Power Lines and Associated LV Networks for Target Settlements in Khatlon Region
Country: Republic of Tajikistan
Grant No.: D-504 TJ
RFB No: BT/C/01
Issued on: 30.03.2022
Tajikistan: Regional Power Transmission Project
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
Resettlement Action Plan
Resettlement Action Plan. Section: 66 kV electrode line and 220kV HVAC Transmission Line Route (T/L South segment)
Plant, Design, Supply, and Installation of Works for the Construction of the 10 kV Medium Voltage Power Lines and Associated LV Networks for Target Settlements in Khatlon Region
Resettlement Action Plan Section: 500 HVAC Transmission Line Route (T/L Central segment)
Construction 500 KV Transmission Line South, Central and North Parts of Tajikistan
Grant 0778-TAJ: Power Sector Development Program (extension of the term until 15.06.2021)
G2 - Procurement of Advanced Metering infrastructure, Low-Voltage and Medium-Voltage Enhancement for Dushanbe, Buston, Dangara, Panjakent, Konibodom, Isfara and Istaravshan, plus Boundary Meters
CSP Project Development Objective. The Project Development Objective is to increase quality of and access to energy, social and economic infrastructure services, and contribute to the strengthening of local governance capacity in communities in the project area.
ADB Grant 0622-TAJ: Reconnection to the Central Asian Power System Project
Contract Award Notice
ADB Grant 0622 : Contract Award Notice. Supply and installation of relay protection systems in various substations, and construction of two 500 kv interconnection points in Sugd substation.
0622-TAJ: Reconnection to Central Asian Power System, Package 1
Construction 500 KV transmission line South, Central and North parts of Tajikistan
Resettlement Action Plan. Section: 500 HVAC Transmission Line Route (T/L South segment). (Draft)
Grant 0778-TAJ: Power Sector Development Program
G2 - Procurement of Advanced Metering infrastructure, Low-Voltage and Medium-Voltage Enhancement for Dushanbe, Buston, Dangara, Panjakent, Konibodom, Isfara and Istaravshan, plus Boundary Meters
Notice of contract award BT/CSP/1BC
Notice of contract award Supply and Installation for construction of Isfara-1 110/10 kV SS & distribution networks improvements, line & substation project, Subcomponent 1B
Contract Award. Installation of wholesale meters at 500kV, 220kV, 110kV, and 35kV levels
The Republic of Tajikistan has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of the Wholesale Metering and Transmission Reinforcement Project. Part of this financing will be used for payments under the contract named above. Bidding was open to Bidders from eligible source countries of ADB.
Contract Award Notice. Power Sector Development Program
Power Sector Development Program. Project Implementation Consultant. ADB Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
Rural Electrification Project
Contract award notice. Preparation of Technical Specifications, with detailed justifications, for the connection of target settlements to Barqi Tojik´s distribution network and Bidding Documents.
CASA.1000.ESIA Vol 2 North_segment
CASA.1000. ESIA Vol 1 North _Segment
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment CASA-1000 TRANSMISSION LINE - CENTRAL SEGMENT Volume II
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment CASA-1000 TRANSMISSION LINE - CENTRAL SEGMENT Volume 1
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment CASA-1000 TRANSMISSION LINE - CENTRAL SEGMENT Volume 1
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